Colombian Football Federation

The Federación Colombiana de Fútbol (FCF / Cólfutbol ) is the Colombian Football Federation.

The first Colombian Football Federation was founded in 1924 with the name of the Liga de Fútbol (Football League ), and under the name Asociación Colombiana de Fútbol ( Adefútbol ) 1936 in the FIFA and added the South American Football Confederation Conmebol.

The Colombian Football Federation was after the employment Argentine player without passports in the Colombian League 1951-1954 - ruled by FIFA - the phase of the so-called El Dorado, when many foreign stars helped the Colombian football club to a flower. After grievances and disputes in the Adefútbol the association was founded in 1964 under the leadership of Alfonso Senior Quevedo - who was among other things, as President of CD Los Millonarios one of Hauptakteuere of El Dorado - refounded as Federación de Fútbol de Colombia. This was finally recognized under the modified name Federación Colombiana de Fútbol in 1971 by FIFA and is still the official Football Federation Colombia.

2006, Luis Bedoya, has been president of the League Association División Mayor del Fútbol Colombiano, also known in short as Dimayor, association chairman.

