Columbia Aircraft

The Columbia Aircraft is an aircraft manufacturer of small sports aircraft until the takeover by Cessna in 2007 in Bend, Oregon ( United States) was based at Bend Municipal Airport.

Columbia Aircraft manufactures technologically very advanced single-engine aircraft. All models are single-engine low-wing monoplane, equipped with a control via side-sticks and a glass cockpit and retractable landing gear not reach, despite a high performance.


The company was established as a spin-off from the Lancair Company since July 2005, and bears her name. In November 2007, the company Cessna was bought. To date, the company has produced more than 600 aircraft.


  • Columbia 300 - no longer produced
  • Columbia 350 - now referred to as the Cessna 350
  • Columbia 400 - now referred to as the Cessna 400