Commando Parachute Group

The Groupement des Commandos Parachutistes (GCP ) are 2001, to companies for special operations command of the French paratroop regiments. Each GCP is administratively under each his paratroop regiment, which together form the French 11th Airborne Brigade. If there is corresponding need of Commandement of opérations PR Service ( COS), the branches of the armed force overarching supreme command of Special Operations, they 'll report directly.


The GCP will emerge directly from the existing from 1981 to 2000 Commandos de recherche et d' action en profondeur ( CRAP ) the educational and support companies of the French paratroop regiments.

The CRAP the 2nd Parachute Regiment of the Foreign Legion was mainly specializes in classic Fernspäheinsätze, whereas the GCP of the 2 ° REP increasingly takes on anti-terrorism terms today.

  • Airborne Association ( France)
  • Heer ( France)