Commissar#People.27s Commissar

People's Commissariat

The People's Commissariat (Russian Народный комиссариат; transcription: Narodni Komissariat, usually abbreviated наркомат; transcription: Narkomat ) were in the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1946 the central bodies of state management for the various sectors of government activities and the individual sectors of the economy. In fact, they had the function of ministries, in 1946 they were renamed ministries.

Such people police stations there were both at the top level, where they were responsible for the entire Soviet Union, as well as at the level of the individual Soviet republics ( RSFSR and other Soviet republics ).

The People's Commissariat were created in October 1917 at the 2nd Congress of Soviets, on the basis of the then existing ministries and headquarters of the Provisional Government.

The first Soviet Government, the Council of People's Commissars ( chaired by Lenin), belonged People's Commissars, who belonged to the Committee for Military and Naval Forces, and 12 commissions:

With the " Decree on the creation of the Council of People's Commissars " of 8 November 1917 ( 27 October), the following people police stations were created (at this time only for Russia - later RSFSR and Soviet Union):

Later, it was a decree of 15 December 1917 ( December 2 ), the Supreme Council for the economy (Russian Высший совет народного хозяйства, Abbreviation: ВСНХ; transcription: VTsIK ) created. The Supreme Council for the economy had the rights of the People's Commissariat and was this equated.

The 1918 adopted the Constitution of the RSFSR retained the by then already established system of the People's Commissariat. At this time, there were 18 people, police stations ( including the Supreme Council for the economy ).

After the founding of the Soviet Union in 1922 significant changes to the popular police stations were made. The People's Commissariat of the Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union were divided into Allsowjetische People's Commissariat ( Commissariat People's Union, Russian Общесоюзные наркоматы ) and United People's Commissariat (Russian объединённые наркоматы ). The People's Commissariat Allsowjetischen exercised their power through their agent, while the United People's Commissariat exercised their power through the downstream People Commissariat of the individual Soviet republics. For example, were under the People Commissariat of Finance of the individual Soviet republics unite the People's Commissariat of Finance of the Soviet Union.

For the management of the most important government functions, the five Union People's Commissariat were responsible:

  • Military and Naval Forces,
  • Foreign Affairs ( People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs; Russian Народный комиссариат иностранных дел; Наркоминдел; НКИД; transcription: NKID )
  • Foreign Trade ( People's Commissariat of Foreign Trade; Russian Hародный комиссариат внешней торговли; Наркомвнешторг; НКВТ; transcription: NKWT )
  • Connection paths ( People's Commissariat for Transport; Russian Hародный комиссариат путей сообщения; НКПС; transcription: NCPs; literally: People's Commissariat for connecting routes )
  • Post and telegraph.

Furthermore, there were important state tasks for five United People's Commissariat, which coordinated the work of the People's Commissariat of the individual Soviet republics:

  • Supreme Council of National Economy,
  • Food,
  • Work,
  • Finance,
  • RKI ( for Russian Народный комиссариат рабоче - крестьянской инспекции; НК РКИ - corresponds to the East German workers 'and peasants' inspection).

This organizational structure of the People's Commissariat was also confirmed by the first Soviet constitution, which was adopted on 31 January 1924, the administration of the Soviet Union separated from the management of individual Soviet republics.

The individual Soviet republics adopted constitutions respectively, in which the formation of five United People's Commissariat was decided at the level of the Soviet Republic. They carried the same name as the United People's Commissariat on the plains of the entire Soviet Union.

At the same time six Republic People's Commissariat (Russian республиканский наркомат ) were formed in each Soviet republic, which remained under the sole leadership of the Soviet Republic and were only at the level of the Soviet republics. This republic People's Commissariat were responsible for particular areas in which there were specific national differences between the Soviet Republics:

  • Affairs,
  • Justice,
  • Popular education,
  • Healthcare (Russian Hародный комиссариат здравоохранения; Наркомздрав )
  • Agriculture,
  • Social security.

The Supreme Council for the economy in 1932 was divided into three ethnic commissioners:

  • People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry (Russian Народный комиссариат тяжёлой промышленности; Наркомтяжпром; НКТП; transcription; NKTP )
  • People's Commissariat of Light Industry (Russian Народный комиссариат лёгкой промышленности; Наркомлегпром or НКлегпром; НКЛП: Transcription: NKLP )
  • People's Commissariat of Forestry (Russian Народный комиссариат лесной промышленности; Наркомлеспром or Наркомлес; НКЛес; transcription: NKLes ).

With the adoption of the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, the United People's Commissariat in Union Republic People's Commissariat (Russian Союзно - республиканские наркоматы ) were converted. Since then, there have been 8 Union People's Commissariat and 10 Union - Republic People's Commissariat. In the Soviet Republics and Autonomous Republics of the same Union Republic People's Commissariat were formed and Republiksvorlskommissariate.

From 1936 to 1939 the number of people commissioners who were responsible for certain sectors of the economy, increased from six to 24.

For example, it gave:

  • People's Commissariat of the Navy (Russian Hародный комиссариат Военно - Морсково Флота; НКВМФ; transcription: NKWMF );
  • People's Commissariat for State Security (Russian Hародный комиссариат государственной безопасност; НКГБ; transcription: NKVD ) - formerly the People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs ( NKVD );
  • People's Commissariat of Defence (Russian Hародный комиссариат обороны; НКО; transcription: NKO );
  • People's Commissariat of Defence Industry (Russian Hародный комиссариат оборонной промышленности СССР; НКОП; transcription: NKOP );
  • People's Commissariat of Communications ( Russian Народный комиссариат связи СССР );
  • People's Commissariat of Internal Trade (Russian Народный комиссариат внутренней торговли СССР; Наркомвнуторг );
  • People's Commissariat of Trade (Russian Народный комиссариат ( по делам ) торговли; Наркомторг );
  • People's Commissariat for Water Transport (Russian Народный комиссариат водного транспорта СССР; Наркомвод; НКВод; transcription: NKWod );
  • People's Commissariat of Mechanical Engineering (Russian Народный комиссариат машиностроения; Наркоммаш );
  • People's Commissariat for river navigation (Russian Народный комиссариат речного флота; Наркомречфлот; literally: People's Commissariat of the river fleet );
  • People's Commissariat of the state farms (Russian Народный комиссариат совхозов СССР; Наркомсовхозов ) - see also: state farm;
  • People's Commissariat for ferrous metallurgy (Russian Народный комиссариат черной металлургии СССР; Наркомчермет; НКЧМ; transcription: NKTschM ) - ( Note: ferrous metallurgy concerns iron and steel)
  • People's Commissariat for nonferrous metallurgy (Russian Народный комиссариат цветной металлургии СССР; Наркцветмет; НКЦМ; transcription: NKZM )
  • People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry (Russian Народный комиссириат авиационной промышленности; НКАП; transcription: NKAP );
  • People's Commissariat for Ammunition (Russian Народный комиссариат боеприпасов; НКБ; transcription: NKB );
  • People's Commissariat for Armaments (Russian Народный комиссариат вооружений; НКВ; transcription: commercial vehicles );
  • People's Commissariat of Military Affairs (Russian Народный комиссариат во военным делам; Наркомвоен );
  • People's Commissariat for the construction of military and naval establishments (Russian Народный комиссариат строительства военных и военно - морских предприятий; НКСВВМП; transcription: NKSWWMP );
  • People's Commissariat for shipbuilding (Russian Народный комиссариат судостроительной промышленности; НКСП; transcription: NKSP );
  • People's Commissariat for the construction of facilities of the fuel industry (Russian Народный комиссариат по строительству предприятий топливной промышленности; НКСПТП; transcription: NKSPTP );
  • People's Commissariat for fuel industry (Russian Народный комиссариат топливной промышленности );
  • People's Commissariat of Coal Industry (Russian Народный комиссариат угольной промышленности; НКУП; transcription: NKUP );
  • People's Commissariat for food industry (Russian Народный комиссариат пищевой промышленности; Наркомпищепром );
  • People's Commissariat for Transport (Russian Народный комиссариат связи; Наркомсвязь );
  • People's Commissariat of Supply (Russian Народный комиссариат снабжения; Наркомснаб, НКСнаб; transcription: NKSnab );
  • People's Commissariat of Petroleum Industry (Russian Народный комиссариат нефтяной промышленности ) founded in 1939;
  • People's Commissariat for machine tools (Russian Народный Комиссариат Станкостроения );

Beginning in 1939, gave the following Union Republic Of People commissioners:

  • People's Commissariat for textile industry (Russian Народный комиссариат текстильной промышленности );
  • People's Commissariat for the building materials industry (Russian Народный комиссариат промышленности строительных материалов );
  • People's Commissariat for the fishing industry (also: People's Commissariat for fishing; Russian Народный комиссариат рыбной промышленности );
  • People's Commissariat for the meat and dairy industries (Russian Народный комиссариат мясной и молочной промышленности ).

Also as of 1939 there were the following people of the Union commissioners:

  • People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry (Russian Народный комиссариат Авиационной промышленности );
  • People's Commissariat for shipbuilding (Russian Народный комиссариат Судостроительной промышленности );
  • People's Commissariat for Ammunition (Russian Народный комиссариат Боеприпасов );
  • People's Commissariat for Armaments (Russian Народный комиссариат Вооружения );
  • People's Commissariat for fuel industry (Russian Народный комиссариат Топливной промышленности );
  • People's Commissariat for power plants and electrical industry (Russian Народный комиссариат Электростанций и Электропромышленности );
  • People's Commissariat for ferrous metallurgy (Russian Народный комиссариат Черной металлургии );
  • People's Commissariat for nonferrous metallurgy (Russian Народный комиссариат Цветной металлургии );
  • People's Commissariat for chemical industry (Russian Народный комиссариат Химической промышленности );
  • People's Commissariat of Heavy Mechanical Engineering (Russian Народный комиссариат Тяжелого машиностроения );
  • People's Commissariat of Medium Machine (Russian Народный комиссариат Среднего машиностроения );
  • People's Commissariat for general engineering (Russian Народный комиссариат Общего машиностроения );
  • People's Commissariat for the marine fleet (Russian Народный комиссариат Морского флота );
  • People's Commissariat of the River Fleet (Russian Народный комиссариат Речного флота ).

After the beginning of World War II, the People's Commissariat for tanks Industry (Russian Народный комиссариат танковой промышленности ) was created in 1941.

The Law of 15 March 1946, the People's Commissariat were converted into ministries, the Council of People 's Commissars of the Soviet Union in the Council of Ministers of the USSR, and the Councils of People 's Commissars of the individual Soviet republics and autonomous republics also in ministerial councils.
