Common logarithm

The decadic logarithm or logarithm is the logarithm to base 10 The mathematical notation for the logarithm of a number is in accordance with DIN 1302

Its inverse function, that is, is equivalent

The notation ( without base) is covered with contradictory meanings, see logarithm.

Logarithm tables facilitate the computing before in the 1970s calculators have become a widely used tool. The annexes of many books there were tables of logarithms, the listed.If the value of the logarithm for all numbers from 1 to 10 in steps of, for example 0.01 or 0.001. It had only the values ​​for numbers from 1 to 10 are printed, as can the values ​​for other numbers calculated as in the following example.

The logarithm to base after Henry Briggs also called Briggsscher logarithm.

Base conversion

See also: logarithm, base conversion

Today, many scientific calculators ( used for example in school equipment ) have a key labeled log, which represents the common logarithm of a number. If you want the logarithm to the base and get another number but has only this one key with the logarithm to the base 10 is available, can help a following mathematical law:


In this sample calculation of the logarithm log2 (16 ) is calculated using the logarithm:

Pictures of Common logarithm
