Communal work

Neighborhood assistance refers to a mutual, granted under neighbors form of help and support, in the generally omitted compensation in the form of a cash payment and instead benefits are obtained in a similar form. Neighborly help is usually a habitual and less formalized system of social communities to deal with individual or communal needs, emergencies and crises.


Motivation for neighborly help mostly occurs between people who are in a similar social or material situation. " Functioning neighborhood," for the neighborhood watch is an indication arises, for example, in rural village communities in times of growing demand for labor (mutual aid in common reaping the harvest ) or to counter threats and dangers ( dike protection, volunteer fire department, see also pumps neighborhood). As individual aid enables neighborly help coping with everyday problems to the overcoming of crises such as illness and poverty.

In urban societies with a high degree of customization the lack of neighborly help is often complained, for example, in the anonymous neighborhood of high-rise residents. In most cases, their substantive reasons account for (social assistance, pensions, social stations, day care centers, nursing homes ) or professional forms of security are there but established ( fire brigade ). Municipal, church or associational community development endeavors there to the (re - ) activated sludge neighborly solidarity and mutual support.

Current approaches with the same goal are known as neighborhood management and the self -help movement can be understood as a substitute earlier neighborly help. As more organized form of mutual aid also time banks are to be considered.

Legal regulations

In addition to the "real " is also alleged forms of neighborly help, is to be covered with the so-called moonlighting. Here, although help is provided, but the consideration paid in money and " the tax office over". In general, results from higher income taxes and a higher tendency towards undeclared work.

The scope of permissible neighborhood assistance may therefore be regulated by law.
