Communist Party (Sweden)

Kommunistiska Partiet ( engl.: Communist party earlier KPML (r)) is a Swedish Communist Party, which in 1970 förbundet from Kommunistiska marxist leninisterna ( Ger. composite Communist Marxist-Leninist) seceded. This composite had three years earlier, split from the Communist Vänsterpartiet Erna, today Vänsterpartiet.

The current party leader Anders Carlsson joined in 1999 to succeed the first chairman Frank Baude. The party newspaper close called Proletären and appears weekly. At the 14th Congress in Gothenburg on 7 January 2005 to change the name of Kommunistiska Partiet Marxist - Leninisterna ( revolutionary nutrition ), it was decided to present name.

The theme of the party is " class against class " and she sees herself as a revolutionary communist party. It advocates for the total transformation of society and calls for the abolition of capitalism and in its place the establishment of a workers out, socialist society.

The youth organization of the party called revolutionary Kommunistisk Ungdom ( engl.: Revolutionary Communist Youth) and was founded in 1994.
