
Conscientiousness is a personality trait Comparing factor analysis (see figure ) in differential psychology.

Along with extraversion, compatibility, openness and neuroticism, it is the Big Five.

Subsidiary features are eg neatness, perseverance and reliability.

It is diagnosed the extent of diligence on adjective lists or on personality tests such as the NEO- FFI or the Bochum Inventory for vocational personality description.

Adjectives like neat, accurate, clean, organized, careful, responsible, reliable, thoughtful and conscientious "load" on the positive Gewissenhaftigkeitsfaktor, whereas careless, careless and inaccurate negative impact. Conscientious people the responsibility of their tasks are aware of and working with great determination and decided on their goals.


The most common is still the 1985, developed by Costa and McCrae NEO -PI -R; this includes 240 statements (items) for foreign or self-assessment on a 5- point rating scale.

Correlations with conscientiousness

Among the five major factors of personality selbstbeurteilte conscientiousness best says the supervisor judgment on the professional success before. In the course of adulthood conscientiousness increases. For highly intelligent children in the Terman study low conscientiousness was a risk factor for early death.

Conscientiousness and extraversion are the essential personality traits that affect group performance.
