
Contextualization is the interactive constitution of the relevant context within a communication and interpretation process. The term is applied especially in linguistics, communication theory, philosophy and pedagogy. The contextualism raises the contextualization in the humanities and social sciences to the principle of thought.

Behind the concept of contextualization is the belief that complex and multifaceted words or phrases are to be seen and understood only from their proper linguistic context, as well as cultural objects only from their cultural and historical contexts out everyday. It's always about to make the proper covers.

The contextualization is considered as a method of networked thinking and learning, and systemic family therapy.

In the essay tuition in German is meant by contextualization of a text template that the student in his essay page artifacts references to this text establishes (historical, sociological, political influences, literary-historical classification, prior knowledge about the author or the work history, knowledge of other texts on the same topic or motive).
