Contrat nouvelle embauche

The Contrat nouvelle embauche ( CNE contract for new employment) was introduced as a labor market instrument from the conservative Prime Minister de Villepin in August 2005 by decree in summary proceedings, to facilitate recruitment in small businesses with more than 20 employees. It is a permanent contract, which may be terminated within the first two years by the employer without notice by registered mail. It was recorded over 245,000 CNE requests from August to December 2005.

Following the same procedure ( Regulation in summary proceedings ) and the contrat première embauche (CPE ) has been approved. The CPE should regulate the hiring of new workers under the age of 26 under similar conditions and with no protection from dismissal during the first two years. Both laws are in a legislative package entitled " Loi pour l' égalité des chances " (French: Law for the equality of opportunities ) included. Against both laws, there were violent protests in France.

The CNE, according to the Labour Court ( Conseil des prud'hommes ) on April 28, 2006 in Longjumeau ( Essonne Département ) of the Convention 158 of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
