Coprinus comatus

Schopf - Tintling ( Coprinus comatus )

The Schopf - Tintling ( Coprinus comatus ), also asparagus mushroom, Porzellantintling, ink fungus or incorrectly called ink Schopf Ling, is a species of fungus in the family of mushroom relatives. It is native to Europe, often young and an excellent, though not very durable edible mushroom. Because old specimens melt into an ink -like liquid. The species is cultivated commercially grain spawn is offered for example, which is penetrated by the mycelium.

  • 6.1 Literature
  • 6.2 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The cap is 5-10 cm and 3-6 cm wide. In young specimens of the hat are oval to cylindrical, with increasing age, it opens and gradually becomes bell-shaped. The first almost pure white, just at the edge slightly beige to pink and reddish to brownish at the top hat skin tears on the outside with the growth of dandruff. The flesh is white and thin. The lamellae are initially due to the hat shape is not visible, young white, pink later. In old age, hat and fins solve in an ink -like liquid ( autolysis ). This characteristic is a method to spread spores. These drops off with the liquid, but are distributed in parallel as dust by air movement. The bulbous, scaly, längsfaserige stem is white, has a diameter of 1-2 cm and carries a narrow, membranous and non- adult ring.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are elliptical, 10-15 × 7-8 micrometers, opaque, black and have a seed column.


Likelihood of confusion under certain circumstances with the also edible wrinkle Tintling ( Coprinus atramentarius ), in conjunction with alcohol, however, leads to symptoms of intoxication.

Ecology and phenology

The Schopf - Tintling occurs along roadsides and in meadows. In Living in the City, it is one of the most characteristic fungi, which often grows in the middle of residential areas in large groups on fertilized lawns. The species lives saprotroph and nematophag, so it can capture and digest small nematodes. To this end, Cropping Tintling forms catch organs, small spherical structures with thorny excrescences, with which he eliminated a toxin that makes the nematodes immobile. The nematodes are eventually colonized by mycelium of the Schopftintlings and digested within a few days.

The fruiting bodies appear from April until late into November in Central Europe reached fructification in September peak.


The Schopf - Tintling is widespread throughout the northern hemisphere.


The Schopftintling considered young - as long as the hat is not yet spread and the blades still are white or rosy - as a good edible mushroom. It has a delicate texture and a mild flavor. The fungus may be realized very quickly as well as young specimens after harvesting soon melt away inky and then are no longer edible. In combination with alcohol may Schopftintling rarely a slightly toxic effect ( Coprinus syndrome).

