
Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria )

The Agaricomycetes are a class of the division of Mushroom Fungi ( Basidiomycota ). With about 98 % of the species described, they form the largest class within the stand mushrooms. Due to the of them trained, often conspicuous fruiting bodies, they are among the best known fungi.

Characteristics and ecology

The Agaricomycetes are of -life ' typical stand fungi that grow as filamentary, hyphal mycelium, usually without Hefephasen in the soil. The hyphae are divided by septa to have a barrel-shaped Doliporus, which is surrounded by the membrane-bound parenthosomes. As dominant form usually occurs a dikaryotisches mycelium, but some species also have stable diploid mycelia on. Asexual spores are formed by only a few species.

The fruiting bodies above ground formed range from a few millimeters wide, cup-shaped forms of the typical stand mushrooms to the over 300 kg weight reach fruiting bodies of Rigidoporus ulmarius. The fruiting bodies formed in two to eight, usually four basidiospores are formed in mostly undivided basidia ( Homobasidien ).

A few species, including the cultivated by leaf-cutter ants grow as single-celled yeasts.

Most species are Saprobionten, some species also occur as parasites or symbionts, eg than on ectomycorrhizal.


Other classes Agaricomycetes be distinguished in particular by molecular biological characteristics, such as rRNA and protein sequence analyzes. The group is monophyletic. Hibbett and authors (2007) divided the class as follows:

  • Subclass Agaricomycetidae Order mushroom -like - Agaricales
  • Order skin -like tissue - Atheliales
  • Order Dickröhrlingsartige - Boletales
  • Order Erdsternartige - Geastrales
  • Order pig's ear -like - Gomphales
  • Order tail truffle -like - Hysterangiales
  • Order Stinkmorchelartige - Phallales
  • Order ear lobes Fungus - Auriculariales
  • Order chanterelle -like - Cantharellales
  • Order splendor beef Fungus - Corticiales
  • Order Blättlingsartige - Gloeophyllales
  • Order bristle Scheiblingkirchen -like - Hymenochaetales
  • Order Stielporlingsartige - Polyporales
  • Order Täublingsartige - Russulales
  • Order wax -like crust - Sebacinales
  • Order Warts Fungal - Thelephorales
  • Order Stachelsporrindenpilzartige - Trechisporales

