Cops (1989 TV series)

COPS is an American television program that was broadcast by the TV FOX for the first time in 1989 and will be sent to this day. It is regarded as one of the triggers of the reality television boom in the United States.


In the show, a camera team accompanied a motorized police patrol in their daily work. The most attractive shots are edited together for a shipment of about 22 minutes. In a voice-over is omitted. The title song is the first episode since " Bad Boys " by Inner Circle.


The format was developed by John Langley and Malcolm Barbour of the then " Barbour Langley Productions ". The first episodes were shot in 1988 in Fort Lauderdale and then in 1989 by a few stations that were part of the FOX Network aired. On March 11, the show was first broadcast on Saturdays FOX primetime. After that, the episodes were filmed in other cities of the USA and with the growing popularity abroad, sometimes in Europe, Asia and South America.

1989, 1990, 1993 and 1994, the producers of the series were each nominated in the category Outstanding Informational Series for an Emmy.

After the turn of the millennium reality TV formats in the rest of the world were popular, created numerous local adaptations of the format. Also, similar concepts were on related topics, such as the work of paramedics transferred.


For the 12th episode of the seventh season of The X-Files COPS was used as a template.

In the 12th episode of Season 2 of My Name Is Earl a complete follow- COPS is shown, which was filmed in the hometown of Earl with people from the city.
