Corn (medicine)

The corn (even crows eye, Leichhardt Dorn, Klavus or clavus clavus from the Latin, nail ') is a caused by chronic pressure on bones near skin, circumscribed, usually very painful callus formation with central, directed into the deep spur. Spur in this context denotes the hard, tapered hyperkeratosis whose apex is directed inwards.

Word Meaning

Since the 16th century occupied, the word " corn " refers as the same major labels magpies or crows eye on the resemblance to a bird's eye while Leichhardt spine refers to the dead body or dead tissue.


The corns of the feet ( plantar clavi ) usually arise near the heads of the metatarsal bones, those of the toes on the toes back near the toe joints ( interphalangeal ) as dorsal or interdigital clavi. Orthopedic features such as a lowering or splay or osteoarthritic changes in toe joints favor in combination with unfavorable footwear the formation of calluses. Due to the pressure conditions, there is a conical cornea thickening whose apex is directed inwards.

Occasionally, no orthopedic mechanical cause can be seen. Probably a local virus infection is then responsible, and thus it is a Viruswarze.


Because pain can corns make walking impossible or significantly more difficult and torment particularly the elderly critical in activities of daily living with all the consequent further consequences. In the presence of diabetes mellitus or neuropathy from other causes, the changes are probably less painful or painless, but can more pull more serious changes by itself and or fistula and ulcer formation to a " time perforant du pied" as well as infections of diabetic gangrene of the toes of the foot lead.



Healthy shoes and, where appropriate, orthotics can prevent.
