Interphalangeal articulations of foot

Toe joints is referred to as the joints in which the toe bones involved. Mammals have at any fully developed three toe toe joints, the big toe of man has two toe joints.

The toe joints ( metatarsophalangeae articulationes ) in the metatarsophalangeal joint between the head of the metatarsal bone (caput ossis metatarsal ) and the respective base of the first member of the toe bone (base of the proximal phalanx ) and the interphalangeal ( articulationes interphalangeae pedis ) can be subdivided.


The fully developed toes have a middle toe ( proximal interphalangeal, PIP) and a Zehenendgelenk (distal interphalangeal, DIP). At the big toe of man missing - as well as the middle phalanx - the middle toe joint at the little toe bone of Zehenendgelenks are usually fused bony ( synostosis ).

The joints consist of a as a trochlea ( " joint role " ) designated joint head, from the head of the (caput phalanx ) of the phalanx bone ( base phalanx ) is formed, and a socket, from the base of the phalanx bone ( base phalanx ) is formed. According to the shape of the articular surfaces is a hinged joint. On both sides of each toe joint is stabilized by a collateral ligament ( sideband ), the dorsum of the foot, they are covered by the dorsal aponeurosis. The tight side straps limit the range of motion of the toe joints a strong. The interphalangeal joints can perform a plantar flexion of up to 35 °. In Zehenendgelenken a dorsiflexion to 30 °.

Deformities of the interphalangeal

In humans:

  • Hammer
  • Claw toe

In animals:

  • Überköten