Corpus Coranicum

Corpus Coranicum is the name of a research project begun in 2007, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences.

The initial three- year project is led by the teaching at the Free University of Berlin, Professor for Arabic Angelika Neuwirth. According to self-representation, the project is above all " a comprehensive commentary that interprets the text in the context of its historical development context the documentation of the Quran text in his hand-written and oral tradition form and [ ... ] " contain.

Text documentation

For the purpose of text documentation two databases are set up, on the one hand the written tradition way, on the other hand, the oral document, with the intention to lead the two databases later in the form of a synopsis together.

Manuscripta Coranica ( database written Qur'an texts)

One objective is to document to distinguish between the hand- written report and the only orally transmitted readings of the Qur'an text (see History of the Qur'anic text ) and both traditions online.

Variae Lectiones Coranicae ( database of Koranic readings )

This database contains Inter texts, ie texts from the content, spatial and temporal environment of the Koran (eg Jewish or Christian ) to understand the Qur'an in the context of his late antique environment.


This is not least the primary target group of the corpus Coranicum, a western audience, facilitate a better understanding of the Koran. The third part of the project, a comment is created, which focuses not only on individual problems, but are continuous, such as form- critical comments on the Koran. The comment is constructed discursively, that is, he discussed earlier opinions and research on the Koran.

One focus of the project is the digitization of the so-called Gotthelf Bergsträsser archive. Here is the information generated by the Orientalists Gotthelf Bergsträsser at the beginning of the 20th century collection of photographs of old Koran manuscripts ( " approximately 12,000 photos of Quran manuscripts and Lesartenwerken in Europe and the Orient " ), as the basis for the planned by him Apparatus Criticus the Koran serve sollten.Dieses Photo Archive by Anton Neuwirth had Spitalerstraße, who died in 2003, get to keep him hidden until the beginning of the corpus Coranicum project, as well as Spitalerstraße who had claimed was the all-important archive burned during World War 2 in Munich.

Example ( first sura, verse 2 )

On the internet site can be the following " tab sheets " select:

  • Print version
  • Manuscripts
  • Readings
  • Texts from the environment of the Koran
  • Comment