Corvus (constellation)

  • Corvids
  • Virgo
  • Cup
  • Water snake

The Raven ( Corvus in Latin ) is a constellation south of the celestial equator.

  • 4.1 stars
  • 4.2 Binary Stars
  • 4.3 Variable Stars
  • 4.4 Messier and NGC objects


The Raven is a small constellation north of the water snake, with which it is also in a tight mythological relationship. The four brightest stars with an apparent magnitude of 2.5 to 3 m form a striking square.

The best time to observe the months of March to May.


The Raven is one of the 48 constellations of the ancient astronomy, which have already been mentioned by Ptolemy.


In Sumer and Babylonia the stars of the Raven under the name UGA / Kakkab Aribu were known and were the weather god Adad belonging. In Greek mythology, the raven is associated with the constellation cup and the water snake:

Apollo sent for an offering to his father Zeus from the ravens, so that water hole from a source. The Raven grabbed the cup and went on his way. On the way there he saw, however, on a fig tree still not quite ripe figs, of which he was determined to cost. So he waited a few days until the figs ripen, and then finished his first job. In order to have an excuse for his to - late - coming, he grabbed a water snake, claiming it had blocked the way to the source.

But Apollo saw through the lie and punished the raven by the fact that he can no longer drink at the time of fig ripening and transported him to the sky, along with the cup and the water snake as a warning.

In another story, the raven is also banned from punishment at the sky. He told Apollo that his pregnant mistress Koronis strange going. From anger Apollo killed Coronis and their playmates. But this he immediately regretted, and he could still save the life of his unborn son. As punishment, Apollo colored the white raven black and banished him to the sky.

Meteor streams

The meteor stream of Corvids can be observed in the period from June 27 and 28.

Celestial objects


γ Corvi is characterized by an apparent brightness of 2.6 m, the brightest star in the ravens. He is a 190 light-years distant bluish- white star of spectral type B8. The name is of Arabic origin and means Gienah " rocker ".

The 96 light years distant β Corvi is a yellowish shining star of spectral type G5.

The names of the stars Minkar ( ε Corvi ) and Alchiba ( α Corvi ) are also in Arabic, meaning " beak" and "tent".

Double stars

δ Corvi ( Algorab from Arabic al - Gurab, "The Raven" ) is a binary star system about 120 light years away.

Variable Stars

R Corvi is a long-period variable star Mira type. Over a period of 317 days is changing its brightness from 6.7 to 14.4 m.

Messier and NGC objects

In Raven, the pair of galaxies NGC 4038 and NGC 4039 is. Both galaxies were strongly deformed by the mutual gravitational effects, which are visible on long-exposure photographs, two thin filaments that resemble antennae.

The planetary nebula NGC 4361 is about 4,300 light years away. In the center is the 12.8 m bright central star to see a white dwarf.
