Corylus colurna

Tree hazel on wild location in the subadriatischen Südostdinariden

The tree - hazel (Corylus colurna), also Turkish hazel, is a tree species in the genus hazel (Corylus ) and belongs to the birch family ( Betulaceae ). Its natural range extends from southeastern Europe and Asia Minor on the Trans- Caucasus and the Caucasus to the Himalayas.


The tree - hazel forms a stem with a steep, pointed shaped crown. She is always tree-like and is up to 20 m high. It has heart-shaped, pointed, double- lobed serrated leaves up.

The fruits are crowded and are often of a slotted, a little longer sleeve surrounded. It forms in Lower Austria, Hungary and the Banat entire stands. Their nuts are dickschaliger than that of the other species. The compared to the commons hazel (C. avellana ) nuts ripen in slightly smaller consisting of 5-6 nuts fruit stalls with frills, somewhat glandular - sticky bracts.


On location in the Wild " montane mixed forest with white fir " in Orjen, Montenegro


The nuts are edible and for baking (nut cake) are often used.

The wood is light brown and suitable for the manufacture of furniture and carvings.

Due to their robustness and their slender stature, the hazel tree is often planted in central Europe as a street tree.
