Cotacachi (city)

0.3- 78.2666672448Koordinaten: 0 ° 18 ' N, 78 ° 16' W

Cotacachi is a city in the province of Imbabura in Ecuador, and capital of the canton of the same name. The city has about 20,000 inhabitants and is situated in a valley between the eponymous volcano Cotacachi Imbabura and the volcano, with 4.935m and 4.621m, the highest mountains in the province of Imbabura.

The city is located 17 km north of Otavalo and is especially famous for its leather goods ( cowhide). The village is an ideal starting point for excursions, in particular for 10 kilometers west -altitude lake Cuicocha.

The population consists mostly of indigenous people ( kichwasprachigen Otavalo ). The Kichwa Auki Tituaña - 1996 to 2009 mayor of the city - and the ex - Secretary of State Nina Pacari are the best known indigenous local personalities and represent at the same time as members of a new political party Pachakutik indigenous self-confidence. 2009, the opposition candidate Tituañas, the Kichwa Anrango Alberto Correa was elected by the party Movimiento País, mayor.

Among the attractions of the place next to a colonial church includes some buildings from the turn of the century. He is the birthplace of composer Segundo Luis Moreno.

  • Location in Ecuador
  • Imbabura Province