
The sofa (plural sofas, from Arabic صفة, DMG Suffa, tranquility Bank ') and coffee (English, from French coucher, lie, originally Latin collocare, merge ), sofa ( from the French canapé, from Latin conopeum " poster bed, " κωνωπεῖον AltGr. ) or sofa (from persian Diwan, actually " Law Firm, Office, office, " assigned Arabic verb dawwana " record, edit, register " ), regionally also called bed bench or bed, is a multi -seat padded seat and deck furniture, which is also suitable for the short afternoon nap. Due to their higher seat comfort, the bed of the rather rare chaise longue is now preferred, which is strongly reminiscent of the ancient triclinium or the modern Récamière.


The foreign word sofa was not until the late 17th century into the German language. The oriental foreign word for divan seating, such as those found in Oriental government offices, has been used primarily in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Sofas exist in numerous versions. The so-called East Frisian sofa is a sofa table or kitchen with side fold-down armrests. Other designs are the ottoman, the chaise longue, the Récamière and the pull-out or fold-out sofa, the bed surface can be increased by a simple mechanism for a place to sleep. This design is named after its function sofa bed and has the advantage that it is space -saving.

A sofa can be found in private living rooms, in the airport lounge, in pubs as well as a psychologist and psychotherapist. In latter it should provide in the parlor for a relaxing atmosphere and thus create good conditions for psychoanalysis. " On the couch " or " a case for the couch to be " is pejorative literally used as a synonym for " ripe for psychotherapy ".

Made famous is the green Victorian sofa on which the humorist Loriot and artists presented their skits. His fondness for this piece of furniture rendered Loriot in the cartoons wum and Wendelin.

Sofa set

A sectional sofa (also: cushion or couch ) is a compilation of individual upholstered seating furniture. The word " set " describes the grouping of the individual pieces of furniture, which means that the individual components have the same design and the same reference. It usually consists of a sofa and two armchairs.


In general, the term refers to a combination of sofas with a different number of seats. They are therefore referred to as a sectional sofa, or 3,2,1 - sofa. Upholstery / Sofa sets are provided as furniture for living room. They are available in many different colors, shapes, functions and materials. In contrast to a rounded corner or a corner sofa that can stand by their design in only one position, the sofa set is variable in space combined. According to a study from 1980, the upholstered furniture " standard in the vast majority belonged to all German living room and 83% of households had one.


Over the last 60 years were upholstered / Sofa sets sometimes more and sometimes less popular. The design also varied significantly during the last decades. During the 1950s and 1960s still dominated materials such as wood combined with fabric.

The colors were more muted and the design was functional. In the 50s the German population sat preferred to " round corners ". Even were armchairs, eg Club-/Cocktail- and armchair, popular furnishings. At the end of the 60s and early 70s, the interior style changed greatly. The materials were transformed. Dominated leather or plastic. Instead of muted shades such as they were alive and well in the 50s and 60s, you preferred bright colors and large patterns.

The sets today are characterized mostly by clear shapes and colors. The single seat is replaced in part by a stool that is variably used as a table. The trend is towards minimalist, with little squiggly pattern or ornamentation.
