Coutchman, Texas

Coutchman, Texas (also: Couchman ) was a small town in the north of Freestone County, Texas. She was about 5 km west of the city Streetman (Texas ) on the road ( Farm Road ) 489

The city was founded in 1850 and named after a local landowner William Coutchman name. At its peak, the site had about 300 inhabitants. From 1894 to 1905 the town had a post office ( in the shop of Mr. Stubbs ), later the Office in Wortham (Texas ) was responsible. The school came to Wortham. In the census of 1930 another 100 inhabitants were counted, from about 1980, the place was no longer listed.

He probably would have sunk into oblivion if it were not the birthplace of Blind Lemon Jefferson, a major blues singers and guitarists have been.
