Crabtree's catalyst

(SP -4) -tris (cyclohexyl ) phosphine -[( 1-2- η :5 -6- η ) - cycloocta -1 ,5-diene ] pyridiniridium (I) - hexafluoridophosphat

Orange solid


175 ° C ( decomposition)

Insoluble in water


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Crabtree catalyst is a complex compound with monovalent iridium as central. The complex is named after Robert H. Crabtree, the first time in 1979 published it.

Crabtree catalyst is a Hydrierungkatalysator. Its advantages over the rhodium -based Wilkinson catalyst are its high activity and its ability to hydrogenate and three - or four times substituted alkenes.

In the iridium complex has a d8 configuration and consequently assumes a square-planar geometry.
