
Crackdust is a Death Metal band from Botswana in Africa. Crackdust play an aggressive variant of Death Metal. Her themes are the undead, hatred and violence.


2006 by Roth ( vocals, electric guitar), S'Bond (bass) and Dlax (drums) was Crackdust at the beginning of the year founded. The band released the same year, the first single Deranged psychopath. Their debut album, Dented Realitiy was published in December 2007 Core Riodic. Mid-2008, Lee came as the new bassist for the band. The previous bassist S'Bond was the second guitarist of the band.

In early September 2008 was Crackdust the opening band of the Woodstock Botswana. In 2011 they released a second single Return of the Gods.


Especially characteristic is the slowness of the pieces. They are kept slowly, the perceived speed is much higher. Sonically remember the songs to a mixture of Bolt Thrower and Dan Swanös slower works. Even the music of Crackdust with that of Cannibal Corpse is compared.


  • Deranged Psychopath (2006)
  • Return of the Gods (2011)
  • Dented Reality (2008, Core Riodic )