Crimson Skies

Crimson Skies is a fictional world, invented by Jordan Weisman and Dave McCoy, which underlies a variety of games, novels and similar publications. Crimson Skies is set in an alternate version of the United States, which have fragmented due to the Great Depression, World War I and Prohibition 1920-1933 in many individual countries. Because of the destroyed road and rail network of trade and transport of goods by air is handled. Last zeppelins, which are escorted by air forces, are the target of nefarious air pirates and enemy states.


Based on the Crimson Skies universe of different games and books have been published:

  • A board game by FASA Corporation, which is the foundation
  • A computer game for Windows from Zipper Interactive / Microsoft Game Studios, Crimson Skies: High Road received a sequel to Revenge, however, which appeared only for Xbox and Xbox 360 as a download, see Crimson Skies ( computer game)
  • A collection of miniatures game WizKids
  • The "Wings of Justice " trilogy: " Heaven Help " ( " Rogue Flyer" ) by Loren L. Coleman
  • " Hijackers " ( "Devil 's Flight " ) by Thomas Gressman
  • " Battle in the Clouds" ( "Falcon 's Prey " ) by Jason Hardy
  • "Pirate Gold" ( " Pirate's Gold" ) by Stephen Kenson
  • "Ghost fliers " ( "Ghost Squadron " ) by Jason Hardy
  • " The Great Helium War " short novel collection of Robert E. Vardeman, Loren L. Coleman, Michael A. Stackpole