Cristoforo Benigno Crespi

Cristoforo Benigno Crespi, ( born October 18, 1833 in Busto Arsizio, † January 5, 1920 in Milan ) was an Italian cotton industrialist.

The cotton industry of Crespi built in the Italian founder era has left as an industrial monument today categorized as a World Heritage Site 'settlement Crespi d' Adda. The decorated in Moorish style Villa Crespi in Orta San Giulio (Piedmont ) is considered as an interesting example of exoticism in the Italian architecture. Crespi's son and heir Silvio Benigno Crespi was up to the bankruptcy of his company in 1929 as one of the most influential members of the Italian industry and was a co-signatory of the Treaty of Versailles.
