Cross Colours

Cross Colours is an American fashion label whose products enjoy especially in the hip-hop subculture some popularity.

The label was founded in 1990 in Los Angeles by designer Carl Jones, a graduate of the Otis Parson's School of Design. The brand was based on the youth culture of urban African Americans, gave himself the claim, without prejudice clothing ( " clothes without prejudice " ) to tailor and was with this concept in the hip- hop subculture, but also beyond, popular rapidly. Thanks to this success, the parent company solo joint Inc. recorded in 1992 a turnover growth of almost 500%, rose to become the tenth largest company in the U.S. led by African Americans and was named by the magazine Black Enterprise Company of the Year.

As the largest purchaser of the brand, the retailer Merry- Go-Round, filed for bankruptcy in 1994, however, sales plummeted. The factory of Cross Colors in Los Angeles was closed and sold the trademark rights. 1999, the Group acquired Stage II Apparel Corp.. (now Magic Lantern Group Inc. ) the rights to the brand name under which finally appeared again in 2001 a collection. Since then, among other things, the fashion designer Karl Kani has designed for the fashion label.


  • Shelly Branch: How hip -hop fashion won over mainstream America. In: Black Enterprise. Vol 23, No. 11, June 1993, ISSN 0006-4165, pp. 110-120.
  • Sakina P. Spruell: where are they now? . Vol 31, No. 1, August 1993, p 164