CTT Correios de Portugal, S.A.

CTT - Correios de Portugal, SA is the Portuguese government post. It is also customary to name CTT, the advertised Correios, Telégrafos e softphone ( letters, telegraphs, telephones) means.


King Manuel I of Portugal in 1520 founded the first Portuguese post office under the name serviço de correio público ( " service of the public messenger "). But not until thirteen years later, in 1533, the Post took on the regular operation. The post below was for centuries the king. 1821 took over the post on the door-to- door service. 1880, the Royal Mail has been fused to the telegraph office, it was the DirecçãoGeral de Correios, Telégraphos e Faróis ( " Directorate General of Posts, telegraphs and lighthouses "). 1911, it was spun off into a separate department, wore the title Administração - Geral dos Correios, Telégrafos e softphone ( " head office of the post office, Telefrafen and phones "). From this name comes also the hitherto common abbreviation CTT. Since 1953, Swiss Post is the rider as a logo.

In 1969, the post office in the legal form of a public company ( empresa pública ) with the new name was CTT - Correios e Telecomunicações de Portugal, EP transferred. Prime Minister Cavaco Silva in 1992 was to transform the company into a corporation, owners remained the Portuguese State. At the same time, the government divided the telecommunications department of the post into a new company with the name of Portugal Telecom.

Today, the CTT operates portugal far 903 post offices and 1929 mailboxes.


The CTT offers a variety of services, which now partially spun off the CTT in subsidiaries.

  • CTT Correios - national and international postal service
  • CTT Expresso - national and international Express service
  • Mailtec - Information Services
  • PostContacto - service for unaddressed letters and submissions
  • Campos Envelopagem - specialized marketing services for large enterprises
  • PayShop - Internet Payment Service
  • Postal - financial services ( in cooperation with the CGD)
  • Tour Line Express - Courier Services in Spain