Cubic mile

A cubic mile ( cubic miles ) is an Anglo-American unit volume. It is defined by the volume of a cube with edge length of one statute mile.

1 statute mile = 1760 yards = 5280 feet = 63360 inches = 1609.344 meters

1 cubic mile =

  • 5.451776 billion cubic yard
  • 147 197 952 000 cubic foot
  • 254,358,061,056,000 cubic inch
  • 3.3792 million acre-foot
  • 26,217,074,938 38/49 petrol barrel ( U.S. )

1 cubic mile = 4.168181825440579584 cubic kilometer cubic meter = 4168181825.440579584 = 4,168,181,825,440.579584 liter

  • Anglo American unit
  • Unit volume