Cuneate fasciculus

The fasciculus cuneatus (Latin, German, the wedge- shaped bundles ) is a neural pathway within the spinal cord. He leads epikritische and proprioceptive information of the upper extremity and the upper hull sections to the brain. The fasciculus cuneatus fasciculus gracilis belongs to the, which he rests laterally to the posterior funiculus of the spinal cord.

The nerve fibers of the fasciculus cuneatus run the same side ( ipsilateral ) without switching to the cuneate nucleus in the medulla oblongata, where they are switched to the second neuron. After this switching, they sit down as the medial lemniscus continues where the crossing to the opposite side ( contralateral) takes place.

The fasciculus cuneatus is called after the discoverer and describer Friedrich Burdach as Burdach bundle.
