CURB -65 is an acronym for a clinical assessment system for patients with pneumonia (CAP ). The individual letters stand for the English referred to clinical findings or laboratory values ​​, which are assessed on a score. Such scores are used for rapid judgment as to the severity of a disease and therefore the necessary intensity of therapy. Finally, it is always the overall clinical assessment crucial. Especially in patients with additional diseases of the score tends to underestimate the severity.


The elements of the acronym stand for the following English names:

  • C = Confusion (confusion ): Abbreviated Mental Test AMT score ≤ 8
  • U = urea ( blood urea nitrogen ): > 7 mmol / L
  • R = Respiratory (breathing): respiratory rate > 30/min
  • B = Blood pressure (blood pressure): Systolic below 90 mmHg or diastolic below 60 mmHg
  • 65 = Patient is ≥ 65 years old

A maximum of 5 points will be awarded, which are associated with different mortality ( here specified as a percentage ), and thereby give an indication of whether patients can be an outpatient or inpatient or even intensive care need to be addressed.

  • Score 0: 0.7 %
  • Score 1: 3.2%
  • Score 2: 13%
  • Score 3: 17%
  • Score 4: 41.5 %
  • Score 5: 57%