Current affairs (news format)

An information broadcast is a radio or television program that is dedicated to the provision of information. The range of information broadcasts on the radio ranges of consumer information on knowledge, policy and tabloid magazines to infotainment. The information transmission is related to the newscast, but that focuses on teaching today's events.


"Media help in opening up the world. They offer various relevant to our areas of life, the only way the exploration of reality, just think of policy, eg nationwide political information and all events outside of their personal space. "This information transfer is the domain of the media area " News and Reports ", categorized Niklas Luhmann programs with informative character.

Assigns a radio broadcast as a " regular " offer of information, the viewer any reception presented content differently than he would do so in the case of a science fiction film or commercials. Unlike, for example advertising or movies the contents shown are not fictional or manipulated in news programs, but represent true stories, they report.

Whether it is an information program or another format, is determined from the individual transmitters very subjective. The authors of an analysis of television viewing television audience in 2004 speak of a " generous definition of information programs ." Thus defined Pro Sieben example, the talent show Popstars as information transmission, although objectively speaking no more than the presentation of the career opportunities and possible career path potential Popstars " and - from a medical perspective - its collapse and instability are seen " can be viewed as information transfer, which marginally is compared to the entertainment value of the shipment. The public broadcasters, however, differs the classification under political talk or information: The first ordered Sabine Christiansen originally as an entertainment program one, ZDF saw Berlin as an information format.

In the area of the so -called " reality TV " blur the boundaries between reality and fiction, information and entertainment.

Selection of programs

German-language radio

  • The thematic priorities of the Germany radio news broadcasts are
  • ARD - Night Express
  • Reports from today (WDR / NDR )
  • SRF News

German -language television

  • The 7th Sense
  • Galileo
  • Press Club (WDR)
  • WISO
  • Newton ( ORF)
  • WIFF! Austria