Curtis Bean Dall

Curtis Bean Dall ( born October 24, 1896 in New York City; † June 28, 1991 in Beaufort, South Carolina) was an American stockbroker, Vice - Presidential Candidate, author and son of Franklin D. Roosevelt.


Curtis Dall was the son of Charles and Mary Dall and grew up on a farm in Piscataway (New Jersey) on. He attended Princeton University, was stockbroker and was on the Black Tuesday, the start of the Great Depression in 1929, on the floor. In 1926 he married Anna E. Roosevelt, and thus was son of the future 32nd U.S. president. The marriage of the children Anna Eleanor Roosevelt and Curtis Roosevelt emerged, was divorced on 18 January 1935.

Dall wrote a 1967 -published book about his father and his connection to, as he saw it, reprehensible power of the banking elites of his time, whose actors it represents. In terms of the global economic crisis, he wrote: "In fact, it was the calculated ' shearing ' of the public by the money powers, and was triggered by the planned sudden shortage of supply of call money in the New York money market. "

1960 Dall acted as campaign manager of Merritt B. Curtis, the presidential candidate of the conservative Constitution Party; in Texas, he was set up as the running mate for vice-president. In 1968 he was a candidate for the presidential primaries in New Hampshire and in 1971 chairman of the Liberty Lobby, a 2001 resolution, right-wing political organization.

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library at NARA bequeathed his daughter 's correspondence with Anna E. Roosevelt.


  • Dall, Curtis B.: FDR, My Exploited Father -in-law. Christian Crusade Publications. Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1967 online German: America's war policy - Roosevelt and his backers. Tübingen. Grabert -Verlag. In 1972. ISBN 3-87847-026-6.


  • Author
  • Candidate for the vice-presidency (United States)
  • Americans
  • Stockbroker
  • Born 1896
  • Died in 1991
  • Man