Cushioned gerbil

Gerbillus pulvinatus (syn. Gerbillus bilensis Frick, 1914 ) is a Rennmausart from the kind of genuine gerbils ( Gerbillus ).

Characteristics and taxonomy

Gerbillus pulvinatus is a medium-sized real gerbil with hairy feet. The chromosome number of specimens from the lower Omo Valley is 2n = 62, and thus differs from the number of chromosomes of Gerbillus pyramidum (2n = 38-40), as its synonym Gerbillus was considered pulvinatus. However, the chromosome number of 2n = 50-66 Gerbillus pyramidum floweri is. The tooth row length of Gerbillus pulvinatus is 4-5 mm, that of the holotype of Gerbillus dunni 4.3 mm. As more information is missing, is Gerbillus pulvinatus by Yalden et al. provisionally accepted as a valid way Gerbillus dunni and Gerbillus bilensis but further considered as a synonym.

Distribution and habitat

Gerbillus pulvinatus is in Djibouti, and possibly widespread in southwest Ethiopia in the north- western Kenya in the south east of Sudan. Their habitat is dry habitats of gravel plains and open grasslands.


Due to the large distribution area and the presumably large population Gerbillus pulvinatus deemed not at risk. Under the synonym Gerbillus bilensis the way in 1996 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN) has classified an endangered species.
