
  • Ketopentamethylen
  • Adipinketon

Colorless liquid with a faint odor pfefferminzartigem


0.95 g · cm -3 ( 20 ° C)

-58 ° C

131 ° C.

11 hPa ( 20 ° C)

  • Poorly in water ( 9.2 g · l-1 at 25 ° C)
  • Soluble in many organic solvents

1.4366 (20 ° C)


Template: Infobox chemical / molecular formula search available

Cyclopentanone is the ketone of cyclopentane. Is a cyclic compound which is found as a component in natural and synthetic compounds. Cyclopentanone is a raw material for the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, for example.


The olfactory receptor cells of mosquitoes, the so-called CPA neurons perceive carbon dioxide and various fragrances of the human skin; the olfactory receptor cells are activated by cyclopentanone. The substance " is therefore suitable to lure mosquitoes into traps ." An antagonist is ethyl pyruvate, which blocks the receptor; " Applied to the skin leads to the fact that mosquitoes are not attracted ."


Cyclopentanone may be prepared synthetically by heating salts of adipic acid. Other synthetic routes are the catalytic oxidation of cyclopentene with oxygen and the oxidation of cyclopentane.


The miscibility with water is limited. With increasing temperature the solubility of cyclopentanone decreases or increases the water solubility of water in cyclopentanone.
