
Cypher Punks (formed from Cipher ' (german for: cipher ) ', Cyber ​​and Punk) refers to a group of tech savvy people who are committed to the further spread of data protection in the electronic data processing. This goal will be achieved by encryption of data and communication channels. Communication within the group is, if not public in discussion groups on Usenet, usually in the mailing lists instead.


The term was originally coined by Cypher Punks Jew Milhon. Milhon wanted to describe cyberpunks, which use cryptography.


The Cypher Punks are politically close to libertarianism and require strict disclosure of public knowledge ( knowledge about society, politics, economy, science) and hiding of private knowledge (knowledge about an individual, personal knowledge ). It follows that any form of hidden private public knowledge, public knowledge should be available to anyone but. This ideal is strongly supported by data protection, but often results in a conflict of interest with the state and economy.


Create Cypher Punks and use in implementing their goals different tools. These are for example, web anonymizer, encryption programs and remailers. This is a degree of anonymity can be achieved on the Internet.
