Daily Planet (brothel)

The Daily Planet is a licensed brothel in Elsternwick in Melbourne, Australia, which became known worldwide, as it announced in 2003 to seek a listing on the stock exchange.

The company was founded in 1975 by John Trimble, who is still involved in the company. In 2002 the company erwirtschafte a profit of 2 million AUS $.

In 2003 the company was divided into a brothel operation and a real estate company, the real estate company was formed as Daily Planet Ltd.. placed on the exchange. For promotional purposes Heidi Fleiss became engaged. Due to the receipts of the public offering strip clubs were acquired.

2004 should the participation of the Daily Planet Ltd.. be sold to the brothel operation for 5.7 million AUS $, renamed the company in Planet Platinum and is limited to the investments in the striptease clubs, but this was not implemented.

Meanwhile, the stock market value of the stock has fallen back to a quarter of their original buying price (2007).
