
Dandelon.com is a search engine, Literature Information System, Service Discovery for academic public and an exchange center for catalog enrichment data between registered scientific libraries. The production of the data began in 2001 with the highly integrated computer program " intelligentCAPTURE mobile" and exchange since 2003, thus producing libraries beyond what is developed " intelligent search" - domain - name: " dandelon.com " the tables of contents from. 2004 were added attachment information. In addition, a retrieval functionality would be developed that clearly went 2003 on classical library system. This service is developed and operated by AGI - Information Management Consultants. AGI and several of the libraries are producing European pioneers of catalog enrichment and since then, probably largest producer Community of contents of Monographs in Europe ( 2 million in 2013 - not all are publicly available in dandelon.com ). In addition, these data flows from the libraries to the library networks and exchanged between library networks and partly to WorldCat.

Dandelon.com combined the search in the field contents of the library catalogs with the coming of intelligentCAPTURE contents, abstracts or full texts, which are made through digitization and OCR there searchable and there extracted from linguistic and statistical text analysis text words in the respective basic form. Since the end of 2012, the text analysis was extended to 55 languages ​​. Each request is first checked against multiple multilingual thesauri in up to 26 languages ​​, synonyms and translations added (optional sub-concepts ) and then searched using Apache Lucene in the title information and be ranked by relevance sorted. dandelon.com based on IBM Lotus Domino and is hosted in the data center of the Common Bibliotksverbunds in Göttingen. The user interface is available in 27 languages.

Scientific publications of over 400 years, mainly from the last 40 years and from 130 languages ​​, German and English are covered in dandelon.com dominate. Dandelon.com uses additional publishing data, especially title pages (cover pages ) and some ONIX data as well as data summaries of journal Agency SWETS.

The member libraries can lead to dandelon.com their users with a library-specific profile ( language interface, used thesauri, collection, search parameters, display paramenter ). This additional selection or user can narrow their search to individual libraries and over switch with a link to the respective library catalogs on the title. The Vorarlberg State Library, the pioneer in the entire development has additionally integrated search of dandelon.com in his Discovery solution http://vlb.vorarlberg.at.

AGI and the community to dandelon.com has helped catalog enrichment 2008 for an official standard in the German library system was, on the one hand by a decision of library networks, an agreement between the Association of German book trade and library associations as well as by the entry of the German National Library.

Since 2008, AGI produced for the German National Library in Leipzig and Frankfurt whose contents in the field of new acquisitions in the subregion university publications, tables of contents for old stock and so far for the special collection " Exilarchiv ". The production data for the DNB to be included in dandelon.com from 2015, from the planned release by the German National Library.


  • Manfred Hauer: On the importance of standardized terminologies in times of modern language and information retrieval technologies (PDF, 205 kB) In: ABI Technology, 2013, vol 1, page 2-6
  • Manfred Hauer: intelligentCAPTURE and dandelon.com. In: Achim Osswald, Stempfhuber, Maximilian Wolff, Christian ( ed.): 2007 ISI and IUK Conference, Konstanz 2007, ISBN 978-3-86764-020-6, page 403-412
  • Karl Rädler, Uwe Leissing, Manfred Hauer: Query expansion through thesauri - review on dandelon.com, Vorarlberg Parliament Information System and vorarlberg.at. In: ISKO 2008, Konstanz
  • Manfred Hauer: the retrieval performance of library catalogs against new and expanded concept. Benchmarking: Google Scholar, dandelon.com, Vorarlberg State Library, other OPACs. In: ABI -Technik 2005, issue December, pp 295-301.