Dangerous Moves

Hazardous trains (alternatively: duel without grace) is a Swiss- French film by film director Richard Dembo from the year 1984.


It is a fictional story, their individual motives are not fictitious, but on several duels to the chess championship, especially between Viktor Korchnoi and Anatoly Karpov to go back: A young Jewish refugee from the Soviet Union challenges the aging world champion; the match will be held in neutral Switzerland and is run with all the hooks and eyes, of deliberate delays on hypnotists in the auditorium to the theft of the pen. As the challenger 5-3 lead and only needed a victory to bring the Soviets his wife - which is not emigrated, and they have now put in the mental hospital - in Switzerland, to load the challenger mentally. At the same time they allow the old cardiologist and friend of the world champion who is a serious heart condition, the exit that they had denied him for decades, since the champion refuses any other doctor. The title defender wins the next two games, so it can compensate, but suffers immediately after the 5th win a heart attack and must give up the fight, much to the annoyance of the challenger, who wanted to conquer the board. His comment is: "I've always said that make him rather die than me win. " In the end he plays the last game with the world champion at the bedside, where makabererweise indicates the computer signal that the cardiac activity of the ex- world champion ever more decreases and eventually exposed.


" Ambitious to originality bemühter political thriller; skillfully and imaginatively staged, mostly played forcefully. However, it lacks a bit of excitement and suspense, because it is applied too planned. "



The French title is working with the not to be reproduced in the German ambiguity of the word fou: La diagonal du fou is actually the diagonal of the rotor on the chessboard; but fou also means fool '.
