Daniel Barbier

Daniel Barber ( born December 10, 1907April 1, 1965 ) was a French astronomer.

Life's work

Barber studied at a École Normale Supérieure with a focus on mathematics. He received his doctorate with a thesis on the statistical analysis of long-period binary star systems, where he auswertete observations of the observatories of Paris and Marseille. After a long-term collaboration with Daniel Chalonge began in the field of stellar photometry. Between 1930 and 1965 he published more than 200 scientific papers on astronomy, including work on the composition of stellar atmospheres and the occurrence of lunar and solar eclipses. Additionally, he explored the Earth's upper atmosphere, auroras and the zodiacal light. Together with Daniel Chalonge he determined at the Institut d' Astrophysique in Paris on the basis of measurements, the height of the ozone layer at 50 to 80 kilometers.

In his memory, the lunar crater was named Barber.



  • De la stratosphère à l' ionosphère, Pr Univ. de France, Paris 1942
  • Les Parallax dynamiques des étoiles doubles, Hermann, Paris 1936
  • Comparison of standard light sources for spectrophotometric purposes; Daniel Chalonge, Hans Kienle, Johann Wempe; In: Journal of Astrophysics; 12.1936, p 178-191
  • Les atmospheres stellaires; Paris, Flammarion, 1952
  • L' observation of the pendant l' année aurores et la coopération géophysiques international ( 1957-59 ) (photometry photoélectique de la luminescence du ciel nocturne aux observatoires de Haute Provence et de Tamanrasset to May 1957 - Janvier 1960); with Gilbert Weill; Paris, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1961
  • Photometry photoélectrique de l' aurore à Port- auxFrançais ( Kerguelen ) ( 11 août 1957-31 mars 1959); with André Peron; 1961
  • Observation photometrique d'une perturbation de la haute atmosphere; In Astrophysica Norvegica, pp. 56-59; Oslo, Universitetsforl. , 1964