Dante Alighieri Society

The Società Dante Alighieri ( Dante Alighieri Society) is an Italian language company based in Rome and was founded in 1889 on the initiative of a writer cited by Giosuè Carducci group of intellectuals. The main task is acc. Article 1 of the Articles of Association to promote the maintenance and diffusion of the Italian language and culture in the world, to let the spiritual bonds of compatriots abroad revive again with the mother country and the love of foreigners on Italian culture and civilization. The Dante Alighieri Society Rome still supports more than 500 committees, of which more than 400 abroad (Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceania) are active. Today, there are representations of the "Dante", which not only perform Italian courses, but also cultural events of various kinds point of reference for the committees Italy and abroad is the Sede Centrale in Rome at Palazzo Firenze, led by Ambassador Bruno Bottai retired. The Consiglio is composed of the Vice President Marella Agnelli, Alberto Arbasino, Gianni Letta and Paolo Peluffo. Secretary General Alessandro Masi.


The founders named the company after Dante Alighieri, because in the name of the linguistic unity of the nation was completed and on this basis, six centuries later, the political, that is, the state agreement was consummated. At the beginning, the activities were concentrated at the suggestion of the first president, Ruggiero Bonghi (1889 - 1895), on the establishment of the Italian language courses for immigrants, who were abroad in search of work. First Comitati abroad originated in countries where an Italian colony already existed: in Switzerland ( Geneva 1894, Zurich 1895), in Belgium (Liège 1894) and in France (Marseille 1895).

The first foreign Comitato the "Dante" at all was founded in 1890 in Thessaloniki and in the following year, one in Smyrna, followed by Istanbul in 1895 Outside Europe were Comitati in some North American cities. (New York 1897; Boston 1901) and especially in South America ( Buenos Aires 1896 Montevideo 1896 Iquique in 1896, Rosario 1897, Caracas 1898, Sao Paolo 1899) founded. The farthest from the mother country Comitato is the Melbourne 1896 Over the years, the "Dante" established on the legal and administrative level, a merit of the fourth President, Paolo Boselli (1906 - 1932). ; This established the first courses for the training of Italian teachers abroad.

During the period of National Socialism, the company was political- propagandistic abused by the regime. In many states, the cultural activities of the Company have been provided by the government under fascist administration, both in the local as in the foreign culture institutes. 1938 should be resolved in accordance with an agreement entered into between the Minister of Foreign Trade and the headquarters of the " Dante Alighieri " agreement, the Italian Cultural Institute and the Comitati the "Dante". This led to a decline in the number of active Comitati, even if not formally dissolved, in some cases, but the control of a " trustee " was assumed. However, the Comitati actually lost their independence and ability to act.

In the postwar period there was a reorganization of the Comitati abroad, except in the U.S. where, in contrast to other states disappeared many Comitati because the " Dante " initially in a directory of anti-state companies under the Executive Order 10450, issued by the prosecutor's office in the years 1935 - 1940 was listed. This mistrust was only in 1961 thanks to the efforts of the Honorary President of the Comitato Boston, Edward Kennedy, who was Attorney General of the United States at this time, overcome. Since May 1996, President of the Society of Former Ambassador Bruno Bottai.
