
Four -banded damsel ( Dascyllus melanurus )

The damselfishes ( Dascyllus ) are a genus of damselfish, which consists of ten species.

The animals live in tropical coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific and Red Sea in a commensal relationship with ästigen stony corals, which serve them as cover. Prussia fish feed on zooplankton.


The animals put on a solid surface usually over a thousand eggs. Maintaining the parents and defend the nest. After hatching, the tiny larvae live for a while pelagic and spread with the ocean currents. Convert the fish to the adult form around, they seek shelter in hard coral colonies.

The Hawaiian fish Prussia, Prussia Strasburg fish and the three-point Prussia fish live as a young fish at times as Anemonefish in anemone symbiosis.

Prussia fish can be easily kept in saltwater aquariums, but are often very aggressive. Worthwhile occupants are just the Red Sea Prussia fish and the four -banded Prussia fish.

The whitetail damsel and another type have also been bred.


There are ten ways:

  • Hawaiian damsel ( Dascyllus Albis ella ) Gill, 1862
  • Whitetail damsel ( Dascyllus aruanus ) (Linnaeus, 1758)
  • Dascyllus auripinnis Randall & Randall, 2001
  • White-tailed damsel ( Dascyllus carneus ) Fischer, 1885
  • Dascyllus flavicaudus Randall & Allen, 1977
  • Red Sea damsel ( Dascyllus marginatus ) ( Rüppell, 1829)
  • Four -banded damsel ( Dascyllus melanurus ) Bleeker, 1854
  • Network damsel ( Dascyllus reticulatus ) ( Richardson, 1846)
  • Strasburg damsel ( Dascyllus strasburgi ) Klausewitz, 1960
  • Three-point damsel ( Dascyllus trimaculatus ) ( Rüppell, 1829)


In the animated film Finding Nemo in 2003 occurs in a supporting role of the schizophrenic Four -banded damsel Lee & Luv.
