
Dashi (出 汁Japanese ) is a Japanese fish stock and has a greater importance than in European cuisine in Japanese cooking meat or vegetable stock. Instant products as they are also found in Europe, Asia- shops, have a firm place in most Japanese households. Dashi also serves as the basis for miso soup.

The basic dashi is made from bonito (skipjack: one of tuna, katsuo ) won and brown kelp ( kombu昆布). The bonito flakes depending on the application area and region supplemented or replaced by the following ingredients: tuna flakes (鲔 节magurobushi ), mackerel flakes (鲭 节sababushi ), herring flakes (鰯 节nishinbushi ), dried sardine (煮干しniboshi ), dried 's Flying Fish (あご 煮 干agoniboshi, also previously grilled asあご 焼 煮干agoyakiniboshi ), dried horse mackerel (鯵 煮 干ajiniboshi ), dried baby sea bream (鲷 煮 干tainiboshi ).

Vegetarian options are mainly composed of kombu, but are also often supplemented by dried shiitake mushrooms. Other ingredients can be dried strips of Kampyō pumpkin, roasted soybeans and roasted rice, as they are used in the kitchen of a vegetarian nourishing schools of Buddhism.

In 1909, Japanese researcher Ikeda Kikunae described for the first time today recognized as one of the five basic taste qualities umami taste. Ikeda had managed to isolate from the sea kelp, which is the main ingredient of dashi glutamic acid and to identify them as the taste crucial part of Dashi.
