Dave Stevens

Dave Stevens ( born July 29, 1955 in Lynwood, California, † March 10, 2008 in Turlock, California ) was an American cartoonist, screenwriter and film producer.


From 1977 he created storyboards for animated films at Hanna- Barbera. In the early 1980s he worked on the storyboards of Raiders of the Lost Ark as well as the music video Thriller by Michael Jackson. In 1982, he developed the comic book character The Rocketeer. The unsuccessful pilot Cliff Secord finds it a mysterious rocket pack and becomes the flying superhero; the story takes place in the 1930s. The nachhaltende success of the comics led to the filming of the substance by the Walt Disney Company. Stevens was involved as co-producer and co-writer of the screenplay for the film, which was, however, granted at the box office only moderate success.

Stevens died of leukemia.
