David Edelstadt

David Edelstadt ( born May 9, 1866 in Kaluga, Russia, † October 17, 1892 in Denver, Colorado ) was a jiddischsprachiger writer and anarchist.


Noble city was heavily influenced by his father's life, who was 25 years in the service of the strongly anti-Semitic influenced the Czar's army. Russian was his mother tongue, Yiddish its language of communication and propaganda. He used them from immigrating to the United States in 1882.

Edelstadt participated in the first Jewish Anarchist group in New York City, the Pionire the Frayhayt ( German: Pioneers of Freedom) part. The group acted primarily in the Jewish section of New York, the Lower East Side. The indictment of the Haymarket anarchists had led to this formation. "So they vehemently support the accused Haymarketanarchisten in Chicago and spread propaganda among the growing number of Jewish emigrants. This propaganda work led to further creation of anarchist groups, including those in Boston and Philadelphia, where David Edelstadt and others traveled from the " pioneers " lectures ". The group also remained in contact with the London Yiddish anarchist journal Arbeter Fraynd (Workers' Friend ) and was including articles on. 1889 edited Edelstadt the anarchist magazine truth. It was discontinued after 20 issues due to lack of funding.

He was a staff member and editor of the Free Workers' Voice and has written many poems in addition to its practical employment. Especially his texts to the state persecution of anarchists have brought him many readers.

The poor working conditions in the sweatshops of New York meant that he was infected with tuberculosis. So he had to give up his position in 1891 and moved to healing to Denver, Colorado, where he continued to write poems. Edelstadt died on 17 October 1892, at the age of 26. His brother and his wife died of tuberculosis. In the next few years originated in Chicago, Boston and other cities cultural groups that have accepted his oeuvre and continued his legacy.
