David Rumelhart

David Everett Rumelhart ( born June 6, 1942 in Wessington Springs, South Dakota; † 13 March 2011 Chelsea ( Michigan)) was an American psychologist, who introduced among other things, the back-propagation method in neural networks and a leading scientist in the cognitive science was.


Rumelhart studied psychology and mathematics at the University of South Dakota (Bachelor 1963) and received his doctorate in mathematical psychology at Stanford University in 1967. Then he was at the University of California, San Diego (initially in 1967 as assistant professor of psychology, later Professor ), where he founded the Institute of Cognitive Science. In 1987 he moved again as a professor at Stanford University. In 1998, he went into retirement due to illness. He was suffering from Pick's disease and last lived with his brother in Ann Arbor.

In the 1970s he pursued with the LNR group (Lindsay, Norman, Rumelhart ) the representation of knowledge in semantic networks, that is, derived from linguistics methods. In the early 1980s he developed with James McClelland and other computer programs that simulated neural network- based processes in object perception and learning. Both his book with Norman Explorations in Cognition (1975 ) as well as parallel distributed processing (1986 ) with McClelland were very influential.

In 1987 he was MacArthur Fellow. He was a member of the National Academy of Sciences and received the Warren Medal of the Society of Experimental Psychologists, the Grawemeyer Award in Psychology from the University of Louisville (2002 with James McClelland ) and the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award of the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

2000 David E. Rumelhart Prize in Cognitive Sciences was sponsored by the Robert J. Glushko and Pamelo Samuelson Foundation and awarded by the Cognitive Science Society. It is endowed with $ 100,000 and is awarded annually.

He was married and had two sons.


  • With Donald Norman Explorations in cognition, Freeman, San Francisco, 1975, German translation structures of knowledge - by way of cognition research, Klett-Cotta 1978
  • With McClelland and the PDP Research Group, Parallel distributed processing - explorations in the microstructure of cognition, 2 vols, MIT Press 1986
  • With McClelland Explorations in parallel distributed processing: a handbook of models, programs, and exercises, MIT Press 1988
  • Geoffrey E. Hinton, Ronald Williams Learning representations by back-propagation errors, Nature, vol 323, 1986, pp. 533-536, Abstract
  • Introduction to human information processing, Wiley 1975
  • With William Ramsey, Stephen P. Stich ( Editor) Philosophy and connectionist theory, Hillsdale, Erlbaum Associates, 1991
  • Yves Chauvin (Editor) Backpropagation: theory, architectures and applications, Erlbaum Associates, 1995
  • With Benjamin Bly (Editor) Cognitive Science; Academic Press 1999