David Seltzer

David Seltzer ( born 1940 in Highland Park, Illinois) is an American screenwriter, film producer and film director. Best known he was the author of the original screenplay of The Omen.


Seltzer also wrote the screenplays of the horror film Prophecy, the film comedy My Giant, the tragi-comedy Lucas, the film drama Punchline - the big bang and the thriller Like a light in the dark night. In the last three he was also director. In the film adaptation, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, he is said to have 30 % of the screenplay by Roald Dahl, who also wrote the original book rewritten. Seltzer is not mentioned in the credits.


1975 and 1977 he won the Humanitas Prize in each category Primetime TV 90 minute.

For the film, like a light in the dark night 1992, he was considered as the worst director with the Golden Raspberry nominated the same film for the worst scenario.


As a director

As a screenwriter (selection)
