Dawid Przepiórka

Dawid Przepiórka [ pʃɛpjurka ] ( born December 22, 1880 in Warsaw, † after January 1940 in Palmiry ) was a Polish chess master, chess patron and very important study composer of Jewish faith.


Przepiórka grew up in very affluent circumstances. As a young man he studied mathematics in Warsaw, Munich and Göttingen. During his student years in Munich he made ​​the acquaintance of chess composition, a field in which he was the creator of highly regarded works later.

A first collection of his tasks was published in 1911 in the Festschrift of the Academic chess clubs in Munich in 1932 appeared in Amsterdam David Przepiórka, a Master of Strategy by Henri Weenink, 130 tasks Przepiórkas including.

In addition to the chess composition Przepiórka also played tournament chess and was also successful in this field: In 1904 he was awarded at the 14th Congress of the German Chess Federation of the main tournament in Coburg, he won the championship title. Until the 1930s into, he participated in a number of international tournaments. In 1926, he won a tournament in Munich, before Efim Bogolyubov and Rudolf Spielmann, 1928, he was in The Hague, in the Amateur World Cup runners-up behind Max Euwe. It was in 1926 in Warsaw, at the first championship of Poland, national champion. He played in Poland's national team, in addition to Akiba Rubinstein and Tartakower Savielly than in 1930 won the Chess Olympiad in Hamburg.

His best historical Elo rating was 2612th This he achieved in September 1929.

Przepiórkas love of chess and his immense wealth found a happy combination. Without his generous financial support of it had not been for the Poles to host the Chess Olympiad 1935 in Warsaw. Przepiórkas generosity was greatly appreciated in Warsaw. He presented his Warsaw Villa the local chess club and free daily as local game available.

After the German occupation of Poland Przepiórka his Judaism was undoing: in January 1940 he was, along with other chess players arrested in a Warsaw café by the Gestapo. A few days later, he died far from Palmiry at a mass execution in the National Park Kampinoska. The exact date is unknown.


Solution: 1 kb4 - c5 - c7 Kb8 2 Kc5 -d5! Lf8xd6 3 h3 - h4 g5xh4 4 Te4 c4 ! Kc7 - d7 The king is bound to d6, otherwise the runner is hit. 5 Tc4xh4! Th8xh4 stalemate.
