Daytime Protocol

Daytime is a simple ASCII - based network protocol, that can use to transfer the data over TCP or UDP port 13.

After establishing a connection (TCP) or receiving a UDP packet is sent to the current date and time in a row from the time server to the client. Typically, the service using the command-line program Telnet is queried:

$ Telnet daytime server 13 Trying daytime -server ... Connected to daytime server. Escape character is ' ^] '. Fri February 24 17:52:30 CET 2006 Connection closed. In contrast to time synchronization protocols such as the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Annual Daytime for troubleshooting and for measurements has been developed on network cables. The notice sent in clear text time stamp can easily read by humans and used for example to estimate the term or, more generally, to control the availability of a server instead of ping.
