Deborah Lipstadt

Deborah Lipstadt Esther ( born March 18, 1947 in Manhattan, New York, NY) is an American historian and well-known Holocaust researcher.

After studying in New York and teaching at universities in Los Angeles and Seattle Lipstadt has taken over the chair as a Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies at Emory University in Atlanta where he is Director of the Institute of Jewish Studies ( 2005).

In the North American academic life, the researcher first became known through their studies of how the American media during the Second World War, the knowledge of the destruction of European Jewry ignored ( Beyond Belief, 1986).

A scientific publications unusually large, international attention she reached for her portrayal of the history of the Holocaust denial ( Denying the Holocaust, 1993; German: Subject: Holocaust denial, 1994), an annotated compilation of the lies and half- truths of the internationally known Holocaust deniers, coupled with a careful and objective in-depth analysis and refutation of the arguments, with the first Holocaust denial as an international phenomenon has been the subject of a comprehensive scientific monograph.

Because of the clear statements in this publication concerning him straining the well-known Holocaust denier David Irving in 1996 before a London court a lawsuit against Lipstadt and her British publisher Penguin Books of, for libel, defamation and damage to business. Lipstadt won this process in 2000., The publisher funded Lipstadt's defense with 2 million pounds.

When Irving was convicted in 2006 by an Austrian court to three years in prison for the denial of Nazi crimes in the case of recurrence, to Lipstadt was dismayed at the prison sentence on BBC News and said she did not believe that conflicts by restricting the freedom of speech could be gained. The correct combat Holocaust deniers would take place by means of historical truth.
