DeCODE Genetics

DeCODE genetics is an Icelandic pharmaceutical company based in Reykjavík.


The company was founded in 1996, among other things Kári Stefánsson.


The company offers individuals an investigation of their genetic information. It develops drugs and is responsible for the genetic study of the population of Iceland on the basis of blood and tissue samples, family trees and medical records. The rights to use the results acquired in February 1998, Hoffmann-La Roche for $ 200 million.

In December 1998, the Icelandic parliament, the statewide data collection and storage of all health data of the population decided by this company. The legal basis in Iceland is the Act on Biobanks. The highest court in Iceland decided in 2003 that the law was unconstitutional because it violated the privacy of the deceased later, and that the encryption of data was not sufficient.

In November 2009, the Company announced that it has filed for bankruptcy under Chapter 11 in the U.S. and sell the core business to U.S. investors.

A complete scan cost U.S. $ 1,100 in September 2012.


In the area of ​​private genetic analysis are the U.S. companies 23andMe and Navigenics, and the German company CoGAP competitors, with Navigenics has now been sold to Life Technologies.
